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Posts tagged ‘Space Jam 2’


Who Will LeBron Face Off Against In ‘Space Jam 2’? Ranking Possible Monstar Squads

Rumors are swirling that Warner Bros. and LeBron James will work to reboot/revitalize/reimagine/sequel-ize “Space Jam,” one of the most beloved sports movies of all time (especially for kids of the ’90s) for its genius pairing of Michael Jordan and Looney Tunes, plus Bill Murray and Larry “Clear” Bird.

If you’re not familiar with the film, a very quick recap: Jordan teams up with the Looney Tunes to play basketball against a team of aliens called the Monstars, who have stolen the powers — meaning the skills and physical attributes — of Jordan’s fellow NBA stars (Muggsy Bogues, Larry Johnson, Charles Barkley, Patrick Ewing and Shawn Bradley, who were chosen both for their talent and, in the case of Bradley, because it would be funny to have such a tall guy on the team).

So if LeBron really does make a sequel to “Space Jam,” he’s the obvious choice for the lead. He’s the closest we have to Jordan in this era. He’s the league’s best and most marketable star. He’s already got the acting experience. It just makes sense. But the real question is: Which NBA players will become the basis for the newest Monstar squad?

There are plenty of marketable, funny, talented guys in today’s game. In all likelihood, dudes like Kevin Durant, Anthony Davis and Blake Griffin will get the call. But we’ve got lots of options — let’s rank possible Monstar squads based on themes besides “They’ll probably get the role.” A few ideas: Read more »


LeBron James Wants To Make Space Jam 2

By: Jared Ramos

Of course LeBron wants to make a sequel to Space Jam. What’s next, Dwight Howard saying he wants to make Kazaam 2? I think the chances of Space Jam 2 starring LeBron James being made are pretty high. After all Hollywood has done worse. Hopefully Hollywood decides to make LeBron James a bad guy and play for the MonStars. It could be an excellent plot. LeBron leads the exiled MonStars against Michael Jordan and the Toon Squad. It would almost be like the 92 Dream team playing the 2012 Olympic team.